You might realise this shop if you never come to this area. Poco Homemade, Cafe & Atelier is located at a simpl row shop within the housing area Bangsar. They provides homecook Japanese food with some imported/handmade stuff from Japan.
Poco Homemade is quite a unique concept to me. Even they have displayed many items in the shop for selling such as imported cloths and bags from Japan, natural soaps, handmade hairclips and many other things; the place looks very simple and comfortable.
From the way you see the display items, you do not have the feel that they are actually selling those items. The cloths is bought from Japan during the owner's travel to Japan. She thinks the quality of the cloths are very comfortable so she bought it back and sell it to those who has fade with the items. The bags are handmade by the owner and each design will have only one. So faster grab for yours.
I can feel the owner manages Poco with full hearts. A little serviette is folded in cloth shape and the food taste.... you can't find it elsewhere.
1, Lorong Kurau, Bangsar.
Tue-Sun : 12 noon till 9:30 pm.
Poco Homemade是一间很特别、朴实简单的私房菜餐厅。 这间餐厅的布置很简单,但是同时你可以看看衣服、看看一些handmade的发饰、一些自然香皂、漂亮的布袋等等。其实这些衣服和布袋是owner去日本旅行时买回来的,在等着有缘人买它们呢!
我看见一件外套可以两面穿的,布质也很舒服,可是我舍不得买啊! 你可能会混淆,我到底在介绍boutique还是吃的啊!这地方真的是吃东西的。而且是自家煮的日式菜肴,相当不错,其他地方真的找不到的味道。所以,我觉得它特别,价钱也不会贵。只是,我被它周围的布置吸引住了眼光。是一种很朴实,手艺感很好的一件餐厅。或许我一向喜欢手做的东西吧,因为它的特别是独一无二的设计,代表这创造着的那份创意、心思和努力,等待这会欣赏的人来鉴证她的特别和美丽。
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