At first this name of Mee Sup Pipin has arised my curiosity about what is this special soup noodle about. This place...tourist will not know about it and only some locals may know how to find this place. Then, I went to this place with my family.
The owner was first opening during weekend and just for fun only. When there are more demand fromt he visitors, they have decided to open daily so more people get the chance to taste their good food. That's why you will find this place is like a small village away from town.
Ah!!! Now I get it.... Here there are two Mee Sup Pipin shops just next to each other. They have the choices of mixture parts of meats. You can have fish, pork, beef meat for your soup noodles. This is part of the local food in KK for the Chinese.
Try the beancurd... this is a taste that you will never get at the city. This is the original taste of beancurd that comes with some little bit of the bean's taste. This place is not so hard to find but you have pay attention to the little signage on your right.

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