Saturday, June 9, 2012

Surfing Lesson at Kuta Beach

Woot wooo!!! Surfing - this activity has never come across to my mind as a part of my journey. But why??? because I don't know how to swim... Are you serious??? Do I look I'm kidding?

Then, what makes me? Errm... because I'm adventurous?? Maybe I just like to try new thing... I can say this is my greatest personal achievement in this trip even I still failed to stand up on the surf board. But I will try again next time....

The depth of the sea is about my chest level which I'm 5'6". So you measure yourself if you would like to take the challenge. For those surfers, this is a popular place in Bali. You can rent the surf board along the beach. For the first time surfers, I will recommend you to take your lesson at registered surf school. They have certified trainers that can teach you well and make you understand slowly if you don't really understand English. You have no worry of noone save you if you are drowning because there are always life guards at the beach.

There's bathroom and towel available here. You basically just need to bring your changing clothes, sunscreen lotion and personal belongings can be kept in local. Just free yourself and throwing into the sea...preferable time to start at 9am-10am.

I can say I truly enjoyed this even I failed to stand for once. I will make it up next time. Ho! Ho! Ho!

I don't like to show you my ugly pictures but I love to share with you the fun I have.....

p/s: Below is my Mandarin version of feelings about this activity. You might need translate tool for diffenrent content.

滑浪 - 一种对我来说从来不在我的旅程中会出现的活动,一个我以为我永远都不会碰的活动,在岜厘,我接触了它。。。因为。。。我不会游泳啦!


挑战 - 对你来说是什么?我说是我没有信心和把握会完成的事。很多时候,有许多事情根本不曾出现在我们安排的行程里,或许我们知道那样东西的存在,却从没想过它会和我们有任何关系或根本不觉得会和它接触。因为,他们不在我们的计划内,又或者不在我们的范围、联想。。。或许说。。。试过这个我就死无遗憾了。

可是,原来世界还有许多我们没有尝试过的东西在等着我们去接触,只是,你有这个勇气吗?对于要自杀的人,我不知道他们是否有机会看到这篇文章。(你觉得我完全不了解你为什么要自杀?相信我,我小学的时候就想过千万遍要自杀和离家出走。放心!我现在很享受也很爱惜我的生命,而且要活得非常的丰盛和精彩!)我常想,生命是有非常艰苦的时候而令人想放弃、或许这个世界也没什么好眷恋、或许我都死无遗憾了、或许无力在走这路了、等等的可能。。。 但是,总会有一道路是可以走的,只是还没有走到而已。


0 Yoyo: